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• brief and descriptive title of the article's content;
• name of the author (title, institution to which he belongs and email address in footnote);
• abstract in Portuguese (250 words or 5% of the text - NBR-6028/03);
• keywords (from 3 to 6 – it is recommended to consult the thesauruses in the area);
• introduction;
• material and methods;
• Results and discussion;
• conclusion;
• title in English, abstract and keywords in English;
• references (mostly published after 2000).
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Verb conjugation
Impersonal expression is recommended, avoiding the use of the first person singular or plural. Data referring to the results of experiments and observations must be expressed in the past tense. Generalities, immutable truths, stable facts and situations require verbal forms indicative of their constant (present) value.
The references actually cited in the article by the author/date system must constitute a single list (in alphabetical order) at the end of the work and be presented in accordance with NBR - 6023/02 (reissued in August 2002) of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards ( ABNT).
Ex.: WHITE, C.; ZAINASHEFF, J. Yeast: the practical guide to beer fermentation. Boulder, Colorado: Brewers Publications, 2010. 304 p.
Book chapters
Ex.: WHITE, C.; ZAINASHEFF, J. Biology, enzymes and esters. In: WHITE, C.; ZAINASHEFF, J. Yeast: the practical guide to beer fermentation. Boulder, Colorado: Brewers Publications, 2010. p.17-40
Periodical publications
Ex.: MARTINS, M.; PACHECO, A.M.; LUCAS, A.C.; ANDRELLO, A.C.; APPOLONI, C.R.; XAVIER, J.J.M. Brazil nuts: determination of natural elements and aflatoxin. Acta Amazonica, v.42, n.1, p. 157-164, Mar. 2003.
Dissertations and theses
Ex.: SANTANA, A.A. Influence of physical characteristics of plasticizers on the manufacturing and structural and hygroscopic behavior of calcium alginate films. 2010. 155 f. Dissertation (Master’s in Chemical Engineering) – Faculty of Chemical Engineering, State University of Campinas, Campinas, 2010.
Example: BRAZIL. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. Normative Instruction no. 12 of September 4, 2003. Technical regulation for establishing general identity and quality standards for tropical juice. Official Gazette [of] the Federative Republic of Brazil, Brasília, September 9, 2003. Section 1, p. two.
Annals of Congresses, Symposiums, Seminars and Conferences
Ex: PIMENTEL, T.C.; GARCIA, S.; GARCIA, S.; PRUDÊNCIO, S.H. Effect of the degree of polymerization of inulin-type fructans on the quality attributes of probiotic yogurts. In: BRAZILIAN CONGRESS OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 10., 2010, Curitiba. Anais... Curitiba: SBCTA, 2010. p. 1-10.
Electronic documents
Ex.: TUNGLAND, C. Inulin: a comprehensive scientific review. 2000. Available at: < duncancrow/inulin_review.html>. Accessed on: 02/07/2011.
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