Sustainable management strategies of the sports practice in the natural environment. A research proposal


  • Eduard Inglés Yuba
  • Núria Puig Barata GISEAFE / Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Cataluña



strategy, governance, stakeholders, sustainable development, natural environment.


The article makes a theoretical and methodological proposal for the analysis of sport management in natural protected areas. The steps followed to design the research project are shown by two main parts: 1) Theoretical perspective, which includes the literature review and the proposed theoretical framework; and 2) Operationalization, which shows the dimensions and variables of the study, as well as the sample and methods for data collection. We can observe that starting from the initial research questions, the theoretical framework is developed and, after that, the tools for the fieldwork are defined. The theoretical diversity of the study also allows us to approach the basic concepts of analysis of the relationship among sport and natural environment, and the complexity of its relationship with sustainable development.

Author Biography

Eduard Inglés Yuba

Institut Nacional d'Educació Física de Catalunya / Contract researcher



How to Cite

Inglés Yuba, E., & Puig Barata, N. (2013). Sustainable management strategies of the sports practice in the natural environment. A research proposal. The Journal of the Latin American Socio-Cultural Studies of Sport (ALESDE), 3(1), 4–19.



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