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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being reviewed for publication elsewhere, otherwise it should be explained in Comments to the Editor.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines in About the Journal.
  • The identification of authorship of the work was removed from the file and the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the confidentiality of the revised criteria, if subjected to peer review (eg articles), as available instructions in Ensuring a Blind Peer Review.

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted for review in the JLASSS should follow all these guidelines.

Papers should be typed in a text editor Word for Windows or compatible version 1997-2003 (file extension. "Doc"), Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing in A4 size with margins top , bottom, left and right 3 cm. The maximum length for articles / essays (not counting the abstract) is 6000 words and reviews is 3000 words. Each summary (Portuguese, Spanish and English) should be between 100-200 words each. For the keywords, refer to the descriptors of SciELO, Lilacs or Medline.

The manuscript should include:

a) Title of work in Portuguese, Spanish and English;

b) Name (s) of author (s) with the last name in capital letters and final degree: Bachelor, BA (a), MSc (a), M.Sc., Ph.D. (a) or Doctor (a);

c) Institution of each author below your name, with city and country;

d) E-mail of each author to be published for those who wish, just below the institution;

e) full contact information for any of the authors for the Journal of the restricted contact ALESDE not appear in the published article;

f) Summary in Portuguese, Spanish and English as well as 3 to 5 keywords in three languages;

g) Body of text, divided into subchapters according to the preference of the authors;

h) List of references used in the article.

Illustrations, Tables, and Footnotes

Where appropriate, illustrations and tables must be submitted within the handwriting on the position that the author considers most convenient. Should be numbered, titled and present the sources to which they correspond.

Images must be sent in high resolution (300 dpi, TIF format) and must be accompanied with specific authorization for each individual (in writing and notarized) in which it is informed that the image being reproduced in the manuscript was authorized specifically for this purpose.

In the case of photographs, the authorization must be made by the photographer (even if the photographer is the author of the manuscript) and by the people photographed. Works whose author died more than 71 years are already in the public domain and therefore does not need permission.

Footnotes in large quantities should be avoided. When needed, should be inserted through the tool "insert footnote" of the text editor.

References and Citations in Text

References should appear in text format under the author, date, page number between brackets, as each case.

  • If the author's name is in the text, the year must be enclosed in parentheses - eg, Foucault (1979).
  • If not, the entire reference should be placed in parentheses and separating the year with a comma - eg (Foucault, 1979).
  • If there is a direct quote from one or more sentences, the reference should include the page number after colon - eg (Foucault, 1979: 41).
  • If the reference of the work has two or three authors, they should be cited with a semicolon - eg (Bourdieu, Wacquant, 2005).
  • For more than three authors, use "et al." - Example: (Mezzadri et al., 2005).
  • If the same author is cited more than once with works in the same year, use letters after the year - eg, Foucault (1979a, 1979b).
  • The semicolon should also be used when the reference is to several different authors, in ascending order by year of publication - eg (Bourdieu, 1983, Elias, 1993; Junior Marchi, 2004).

Quote, consisting of transcripts of excerpts from works by other authors, should be quoted with the same text formatting and the reference must always include the page of the work used.

In direct quotations, with more than 40 words, the text should be highlighted in paragraph without using quotation marks, indicating the author, date and page.The formatting of this paragraph shall be in accordance with the following specifications: Arial font size 10, single spacing and a 4 cm left margin.

List of References to the Final Text

All authors and works cited in the text should be on a list at the end of the text, in alphabetical order by surname of authors followed the original names and year of publication in parentheses, title of work in bold, translator's name (if included) city, publisher and year. The following models should be followed:


GUTTMANN, A. (1978). From ritual to record: the nature of modern sports. New York: Columbia University Press.


BOURG, J. F.; GOUGUET, J. J. (2005). Economia do esporte. Trad. Maria Leonor Loureiro. Bauru, SP: Edusc.


CORNEJO, M.; MARCHI JÚNIOR, W. (Org.) (2008). Estúdios y Proyectos em Sociologia del Deporte y la Recreación en América Latina. Concepción, Chile: Trama Impresores.


  • Chapter of books

BOURDIEU, P. (1983). Como se pode ser esportivo? In:Questões de Sociologia. Trad. Jeni Vaitsman. Rio de Janeiro: Marco Zero.


  • Articles in scientific journals

VLASTUIN, J.; ALMEIDA, B. S.; MARCHI JÚNIOR., W. (2008). O marketing esportivo na gestão do voleibol brasileiro: fragmentos teóricos referentes ao processo de espetacularização da modalidade. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte, Campinas, v.29, n.03, p. 09-24.


  • Articles from magazines and newspapers


GURGEL, A. (2006) "Jogos de expectativa". In: Revista Forbes Brasil. n. 140, 13 set. 2006.


CHIPPS, W. (2009). Sponsorship Spending To Rise 2.2 Percent in 2009. IEG Press Release, Chicago, 11 fev. 2009. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 04 mai. 2009.


  • Papers from scientific congress

DUNNING, E. (2002). The image of humans in Norbert Elias' theory of "civilising processes" and its meaning for sport and sports science. CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE HISTÓRIA DA EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA, ESPORTE LAZER E DANÇA, 8., 2002. Ponta Grossa - PR, 14 nov.


MARCHI JÚNIOR, W.; SONODA NUNES, R. J.; ALMEIDA, B. S. (Org.) (2008). Esporte na América Latina: atualidade e perspectivas. Anais do 1º ENCONTRO DA ALESDE - Asociación Latinoamericana de Estúdios Socioculturales del Deporte. Curitiba.


  • Thesis and Dissertation

MARCHI JÚNIOR, W. (2001) "Sacando" o Voleibol: do amadorismo a espetacularização da modalidade no Brasil (1970-2000). Doctorate thesis in Physical Education. Campinas, UNICAMP.

Original Papers

Contributions resulting from scientific research showing original data based on empirical or theoretical studies.

Review papers

Contributions that synthesize and / or evaluate scientific papers already published, establishing a meaningful time and / or geographic analysis for a given topic.


Produções originais teóricamente fundamentadas com seus respectivos conceitos. Apropriados para colaborar com as discussões sobre as complexas relações sociais e suas interfaces com o campo esportivo.


Contributions that have the characteristics of commented summaries and may be based on books, theses, dissertations, films, documentaries, among other productions that have an academic and scientific nature related to the sociocultural context of the sport.

Congresso Alesde 2018

Espaço para submissão dos trabalhos para o evento da Alesde de 2018 a ser realizado na cidade de Riberão Preto.

Seminário de Políticas Públicas de Esporte e Lazer

Artigos selecionados no Seminário de Políticas Públicas de Esporte e Lazer, organizado pelo Prof. Dr. Fernando Augusto Starepravo (UEM).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and is not available for other purposes or to third parties.