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Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for correction of patent arterious. Experimental study in dogs

R K Richter, N L Pippi, G S Rocha, R Santos


Fourteen adult mongrel dogs were used, 8 males and 6 females, weighting 10 to 20 kg,
proceeding from the Federal University of Santa Maria, aiming to study a technique to correct patent arterious
ductus (PDA) by video-assisted thoracic surgery. It was concluded that three work ports and the optics were
enough and adequately located for the correction of the PDA; surgical materials for vascular surgery can be used
for the accomplishment of this technique; the positioning of the surgical team, the patient, the equipments and
the instruments were adequate; the Roeder knot was effective; this corrective technique is viable up to five days
after the induction of the PDA; this technique is effective and can be used for training surgeons on the occlusion
of the congenital PDA. The Ethic Commission from UFSM approved this study (012/2005). All animals were


CTVA; DAP; nó de Roeder; aderências; cães; Roeder knot ; adhesions; dogs