Genotyping and molecular detection of polymorphism in FUT1 gene of swine


  • Sonny C Ramos Philippine Carabao Center National Headquarters and Gene
  • Pamela Denise B Dosono
  • Ma Carol Anne C Untalasco
  • Mila Rose M Villamin
  • Jocelyn R Rafanan
  • Claro Niegos Mingala Philippine Carabao Center





Alpha (1, 2)-fucosyltransferase (FUT1), as a candidate gene in controlling the expression of Escherichia coli F18 receptor has been identified to determine whether an animal (i.e., Sus scrofa, swine) is resistant or susceptible to enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) infections. This study was conducted to determine the genotypes of 150 blood samples of three swine breeds. From these, 20 individuals were randomly selected for sequencing. Polymerase chain reaction - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) results revealed that among the genotypes, seven of the Duroc x Pietrain samples carried the AG genotype which was previously reported to be susceptible to ETEC infection. Two AA genotypes were presumptively resistant and 50 that were presumptively susceptible, as these samples carried either AG or GG genotypes from the Landrace variety. Of the Large White samples, two samples carried the AA genotype and 89 had either AG or GG genotypes. Allelic frequency of allele A was 0.273, while, and allele G was 0.726. The DNA sequences registered 100% homologies to the S. scrofa FUT1 gene. Twelve of the sequenced samples exhibited a shift from G to A in the 117th nucleotide and one sample had a C to T shift in the 39th nucleotide. A change in the protein was observed from alanine to threonine at the 117th nucleotide position indicating a functional mutation. The FUT1 mutation was found in all the Duroc X Pietrain samples, as well as in samples with the AA genotype (Large White samples). Heterozygous forms of Landrace and Large White also exhibited this mutation. The constructed phylogenetic tree revealed 2 groupings based on the mutations at the 117th nucleotide.


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Como Citar

Ramos, S. C., Dosono, P. D. B., Untalasco, M. C. A. C., Villamin, M. R. M., Rafanan, J. R., & Mingala, C. N. (2023). Genotyping and molecular detection of polymorphism in FUT1 gene of swine. Archives of Veterinary Science, 28(3).



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