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Analysis of the echogenicity and echotexture of the walls of the palmar and plantar digital arteries of horses and mules

Jéssica Leite Fogaça, Maria Cristina Reis Castiglioni, Michel de Campos Vettorato, Gabriel Barbosa de Melo Neto, Alessandra Regina Dhom Pimentel de Moraes, André Luis Filadelpho, José Nicolau Prospero Puoli Filho, Vânia Maria Vasconcelos Machado


The grayscale histogram (GH) is a tool available in some software that allows evaluating the amount and distribution of the frequency in shades of gray of a determined region studied in an image. In ultrasonography, GH has been applied to assess the echogenicity and echotexture of different organs, revealing clinical applicability. This study makes a comparative analysis of the echogenicity and echotexture of the palmar and plantar digital arteries in healthy horses and mules using the grayscale histogram (GH). It also proposed to compare the possible variability between the superficial and deep tunicae intima and media (IM) of the evaluated vessels. Mode-B ultrasonography was performed in the longitudinal plane in the lateral and medial palmar and plantar digital arteries in 10 healthy horses and 10 mules. The images were later analyzed using the GH tool to acquire the variables Mean (echogenicity) and StdDev (ecotexture). It was observed that mules had higher brightness intensity values (Mean) than horses. Differences were observed between the superficial and deep IM, and the deep wall showed greater echogenicity and heterogeneity both in the equine species and in the mule hybrid. The GH proved to be a viable tool to quantify the echogenicity and echotexture of the walls (superficial and deep) of the palmar and plantar digital arteries of horses and mules. In addition to highlighting the differences found between animals (horses and mules) and IM (superficial and deep).


Grayscale histogram, EIM, ultrasound


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