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Digestibility of a home-made diet and two dog foods, standard and super-premium, for dogs

Ananda Portella Félix, Cristina Maria Lima Sá-Fortes, Ana Cláudia Martins Silva, Sheila Tavares Nascimento, Aulus Cavalieri Carciofi, Antonio Carlos Laurentiz, Antonio Fernando Bergamaschine


They were compared the coefficients of apparent digestibility (CAD) and the fecal qualityof dogs fed a home-made diet and two dog foods, standard and super-premium. Six adultdogs were distributed in a double latin square desing (3 x 3), with three treatments andthree periods, in a total of six replications per treatment. Tukey’s test was used to comparethe means. The home-made diet presented the highest CAD, not differing only of the CADof acid ether extract of the super-premium food. The standard food was the lowestdigestive, producting more feces. Fecal dry matter of dogs fed home-made diet was lowerthan in the standard and super-premium foods, which did not differ among then. Fecalscore presented low variability among treatments, remaining in the considered ideal range.Home-made diet can be an alternative in the feeding of dogs.


alimento caseiro; nutrição de cães; ração; home-made food; dog nutrition; pet food