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Comparison of two methods for arthrodesis of the proximal interfalangeal joint in horses

A L Angeli, J L M Nicoletti


The aim of this study was the
comparison between the cerclage associated
to articular cartilage curettage with the injection
of monoiodoacetate to induce ankylosis of the
proximal interphalangeal joint (PIJ) in horses.
Twelve horses were randomly allotted in two groups
(n=6): surgical arthrodesis (CerG) and chemical
arthrodesis (MiaG), observed during seven months.
After each treatment, animals were evaluated for
lameness on days 7, 14 and 30, and also every
30 days until the end of follow up. They were also
evaluated for radiographic signs of osteoarthritis on days 30, 90, 120, 150, 180 e 210. During the
first 24 hours (M0), MiaG showed more discomfort
when compared to CerG, with lameness grade 5 in
all animals. But, at M210, there was no difference
on lameness between groups. Radiographic signs
for osteoarthritis were observed on both groups,
but they indicated greater tendency to ankylosis in
CerG. Therefore, fusion was not observed in any
group. It was concluded that both techniques were
not efficient for the induction of ankylosis in the PIJ
in horses.


artrodese; cerclagem; articulação interfalangeana proximal; monoiodoacetato de sódio; eqüinos; arthrodesis; cerclage; proximal interphalangeal joint; monoiodoacetate sodium salt; horses