Open Journal Systems

Evidence of lower respiratory airway inflammation in healthy thoroughbred yearlings before starting training

P V Michelotto Júnior, A F Bonfá, C D Machado, I Deconto, L A Cruz


Lower respiratory airway obstruction
has a major impact in racehorse athletic potential.
Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD) is a common
finding in young racehorses. This study tested the
hypothesis that lower airway inflammation could
initiate in farm life. Seven different breeding farms
were visited, and 119 yearlings were investigated.
Lower airways were evaluated by clinical
examination, endoscopy and cytology of the tracheal
aspirate. From those yearlings considered clinically
healthy, 90,76% evidenced tracheobronchial mucus
and some showing cytological profile of inflammatory
reaction. Then, the present investigation confirms
the occurrence of inflammatory condition of the
lower respiratory airways in thoroughbred yearlings
before training has commenced, representing a
potential risk for the future athletic performance in young racehorses.


airways; horses; endoscopy; cytology; tracheal aspirate; vias aéreas; cavalos; endoscopia; citologia; aspirado traqueal