Upholding the independence of constitutional courts in the EU beyond illiberal tendencies. Towards further convergence?





independência judicial; tribunais constitucionais; Direito da UE; TJUE; Estado de Direito


This article explores the impact of the CJEU case law on the independence of constitutional courts in EU member states that have not experienced an illiberal shift, and whether it will lead to further convergence among EU members regarding their models of constitutional justice. While EU standards on judicial independence have justifiably emerged in a context of crisis, they have become autonomous standards of EU law, applicable to all EU member states. However, such standards may be at odds with the current legal frameworks and practices operating in some EU member states. This paper argues that the development of EU standards on judicial independence and impartiality may positively impact member states that do not experience a rule of law decline. On the one hand, they underline possible anomalies that may exist in the appointment procedures of national constitutional judges. On the other hand, this tension paves the way for a European dialogue on the definition of constitutional justice and the promotion of a rule of law culture.

Biografia do Autor

Bettina Steible, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Assistant professor in public law at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona, España) since 2020. PhD in Law from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2017) with research stays at UC Berkeley and Paris II University (Panthéon-Assas), for which she received the UAB PhD special prize and the 2018 Jaime Brunet Prize for the best doctoral thesis on the promotion of human rights. Her main areas of research revolve around European Constitutional Law and European human rights law. She has also recently focused on the interaction between human rights and climate change. Apart from her teaching and research at the UOC, UAB and Pompeu Fabra University, she has worked for the European Institute of Public Administration and EuroMed Justice.


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Como Citar

STEIBLE, Bettina. Upholding the independence of constitutional courts in the EU beyond illiberal tendencies. Towards further convergence?. Revista de Investigações Constitucionais, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. e269, 2024. DOI: 10.5380/rinc.v11i3.96206. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufpr.br/rinc/article/view/96206. Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.



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