The atheism in historiography




Atheism, History, historiography.


The main objective of this work is to present an overview of historiographical production on atheism. The dossier História, Laicidade e Ateísmo [History, Laicity, and Atheism] published by the magazine Relegens Thréskeia seeks to fill a gap in studies on religious disbelief in the brazilian social sciences, which are still scarce. Taking the opportunity, I emphasize the potential of this type of research for brazilian historiography. With this objective in mind, I initially show some investigations in foreign historiography (even as a way to stimulate national researchers). And I conclude with the introduction to some studies at Brazilian academia.

Author Biography

Ricardo Oliveira da Silva, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Graduated in History from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2005) and Master in History from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2008). PhD in History from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2013). Experience in the area of History, with an emphasis on History of Ideas, Historiography and History Theory, History of Republican Brazil and History of Atheism. He is currently leader of the Intellectual History Research Group in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Philosophy, Culture and Politics and of the Research Group Atheism, Religious Descriptions and Secularism: history, trends and behaviors, both registered at CNPq. (Source: Accessed on 1/25/2021)


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How to Cite

Oliveira da Silva, R. (2020). The atheism in historiography. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 9(2), 01–13.



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