The challenge of qualifying teachers for diversity: the reality of the state of Amapá


  • Efigênia das Neves B. Rodrigues State University of Pará
  • Elivaldo Serrão Custódio Federal University of Amapá
  • Eugénia da Luz Silva Foster Federal University of Amapá



Education, diversity, teacher training, Amapá.


The present work is the result of a study about teacher training in the public school system of the state of Amapá. The document proposes a reflection on the need to rethink the educational practice, considering Federal Law n. 10.639 / 2003 and State Law n. 1,196 / 2008 in the school context. This is the result of an exploratory study of a qualitative nature that adopted the bibliographical research, the documentary analysis and the interview as a form of investigation. The text is the result of research conducted by the Group of Studies and Research on Education, Ethnic-Racial and Intercultural Relations, registered with CNPq, which aims to identify and analyze the conceptions about racial issues in Brazil, especially in Amapá, which support practices pedagogical and teacher discourses, in the unfolding of the school curriculum, as well as to evaluate their possibilities of facing racism.

Author Biographies

Efigênia das Neves B. Rodrigues, State University of Pará

High School Teacher by the State Government of Amapá (SEED), Professor at Faculdade Estácio do Amapá. holds a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Pará and a Master's in Regional Development from the Federal University of Amapá, a doctoral student from the Program in Education in the Amazon from the Federal University of Pará, Advisor Professor Dr. Eugénia da Luz Silva Foster and Co-supervisor Professor Doctor Elivaldo Serrão Custódio. She is a member of the National Association of Education Policy and Administration (ANPAE). He is a member of the Education, Interculturality and Ethnic-Racial Studies and Research Group and has worked with the research topics: Teacher Education and School Curriculum. (Source: Accessed on 01/22/2021)

Elivaldo Serrão Custódio, Federal University of Amapá

Post-Doctor in Education from the Federal University of Amapá (2017-2018). PhD in Theology (Religion and Education) by Faculdades EST, São Leopoldo-RS (2015-2017). Master in Environmental Law and Public Policy from the Federal University of Amapá (2012-2014). Mathematician, Theologian and Pedagogue. Has experience in the area of Religion and Education, with emphasis on Cultural Environmental Law, Religiosity, Culture, Ethnic-Racial Relations; Religious Education, Quilombola School Education, Inclusive Education and Mathematical Education. Effective Professor at the State Secretariat of Education of Amapá since 2006. Permanent Professor in the Master of Education (PPGED / UNIFAP) in the research line: Education, Cultures and Diversities. Professor Co-supervisor of the Graduate Program in Education in the Amazon - Doctorate in Network - EDUCANORTE / Pólo Belém-PA in line of research 1: EDUCATION IN THE AMAZON: EDUCATOR TRAINING, PEDAGOGICAL PRÁXIS AND CURRICULUM. He served in the period from 2018 to 2020 as a PhD Professor in the Pedagogy, Literature, Mathematics and Nursing Courses at Faculdade Madre Tereza in Santana-AP, as well as Coordinator of the Pedagogy Course in the period from 2018 to 2019. Vice-leader of the Study Group and Research on Education, Interculturality and Ethnic-Racial Relations (UNIFAP / CNPq). Associate Member of ANPEd - National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education - GT21 - Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations. Associate Member of the Society of Theology and Religious Sciences (SOTER). (Source: Accessed on 01/22/2021)

Eugénia da Luz Silva Foster, Federal University of Amapá

Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Amapá - UNIFAP, linked to the Department of Education; Professor of the Full Degree Course in Pedagogy; Permanent Professor in the Graduate Program in Education - PPGED / UNIFAP, in the line of Research EDUCATION, CULTURES AND DIVERSITIES; Permanent Professor in the Graduate Program in Education in the Amazon - Doctorate in Network - EDUCANORTE, coordinated by UFPA, in the Research Line: EDUCATION IN THE AMAZON: EDUCATOR TRAINING, PEDAGOGICAL PRÁXIS AND CURRICULUM. Collaborating Professor in the Graduate Program in Regional Development - PPGMDR; Leader of the Study and Research Group on Education, Ethnic-Racial and Intercultural Relations; Postdoctoral Internship in Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, under the supervision of prof. Dra. Nilda Guimarães Alves. PhD in Education from Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF / RJ under the guidance of Professor. Dra. Célia Linhares. She also acted as Tutor of the Tutorial Education Program - PET / PEDAGOGY / UNIFAP - CONNECTIONS OF KNOWLEDGE, financed with scholarships by MEC until July 2019. Vice coordinator of the Postgraduate Program / Master in Regional Development - PPGMDR / UNIFAP, from March from 2016 to February 2017. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Education at UNIFAP, from May 2017 to May 2018. (Source: Acessed in 1/22/2021)


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, E. das N. B., Custódio, E. S., & Foster, E. da L. S. (2019). The challenge of qualifying teachers for diversity: the reality of the state of Amapá. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 7(2), 116–135.


