Gnosticism and The Gospel of Thomas: interpretative explorations




Gnosticism, Nag Hammadi, Gospel of Thomas.


After offering a general contextualization about gnosticism and its relation to Nag Hammadi’s library, first of all we’ll seek to exploit the vision of Elaine Pagels – a paradigm in studies about Nag Hammadi – Wich fits its analysis in duality: orthodox versus heterodoxy (gnosticism). In second place another exploration will have as a specific object the Gospel of Thoma’s, and will be in charge of finding some of its interpretation, putting under discussion notes that feature as a text characteristically mystic and gnostic. Lastly, beginning with the gnostic theology, we’ll bring an appreciation of the salvation starting from Thoma’s pronouncements.

Author Biographies

Maria Aparecida de Andrade Almeida, State University of Campinas

Post-Doctorate in History and Archeology by the State University of Campinas (2014/2017), with FAPESP support, under the supervision of Pedro Paulo A. Funari; PhD in Sciences of Religion / Literature and Religion in the Biblical World by the Methodist University of São Paulo (2009/2012); Master of Science in Religion / Literature and Religion in the Biblical World from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2006/2008) Bachelor in Theology from the Faculty Dehoniana de Taubaté (2002/2005); has experience in Theology and Science of Religion, with an emphasis on Bible / Literature and Religion in the early centuries of Christianity; he also has experience in the educational field, acting and coordinating pedagogical / pastoral projects. (Source: Accessed on 01/21/2021)

Renan Baptistin Dantas, State University of Campinas

Master's student in Social Anthropology at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), he has a degree in Social Sciences, Licenciatura (2016) and research member of the Laboratory of Anthropology of Religion (LAR / UNICAMP). He was a member of the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID) - subproject História between 2015-2017. He is interested in studies in the scope of religion, religiosity, spirituality, therapeutic practices and body practices. Currently developing research addressing the intersections and interfaces between Christianity, Catholicism and religious, spiritual and therapeutic practices of Asian origin such as Yoga, Zen Buddhism, Reiki, Indian Meditation, Tai-Chi, etc. He also has experience with teaching in the area of Humanities in Secondary and Elementary Education. (Source: Accessed on 1/21/2021)


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How to Cite

Almeida, M. A. de A., & Dantas, R. B. (2017). Gnosticism and The Gospel of Thomas: interpretative explorations. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 6(1), 85–101.


