The Malaise of the Self as Challenge to Etichs and Theology




Evil, ethics, responsibility, care.


The problem of evil is presented as a major challenge to human knowledge, especially the so-called spirit of science, given the scope of its manifestation in the various dimensions of life, the complexity of their understanding and threats to the care of the self. The human being is directly involved in the question of evil by being aware of oneself and the other, to be able to free choice and have moral responsibility. The search for understanding of what is evil comes from antiquity with thinkers of philosophy, theology and science that in his works discuss the issue in its ontological dimensions, metaphysics and pragmatic. There are other even greater consequences for the question of evil, not only evil in nature (physis), but also on the specific nature of the human (Anthropos), since this has consciousness and is for that can discern between good and evil. This paper aims to reflect philosophical-theological way over evil as a challenge to the care of being, from thinkers of antiquity and modernity. For evil issue of study we opted for bibliographic qualitative analysis of classic texts of Western thought. As a result, we expect to be able to point reflexively to the ethical implications involving human as possible cause and responsible for the evil action, as the care is either the being of nature, be yourself or be another in dialog attitudes and respect for people and cultures. The effectiveness of the presence of evil in the world manifests in all forms of neglect, makes us think of the final appeal of the universal Christian prayer: "Deliver us from evil" (Matthew 6:13). But we know that the theme of evil can never be exhausted because it exceeds the human capacity to its fullest understanding, since we are part of your reality.

Author Biography

Ocir de Paula Andreata, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná

Doctorade and PhD in Theology, from the Graduate Program of the Catholic University of Paraná - PUC-PR (2019). Master in Philosophy, Ethics area, from Universidade Gama Filho - UGF (2006). Postgraduate in Human Sexuality, from Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná - UTP (2002); and, in Cognitive Sciences, by the Paraná Higher Education Centers Unit - UNICESP (2003); Graduated in Psychology at Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná - UTP (1999), with residences in Clinical, School and Organizational Psychology; Graduated in Theology at Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná - FEPAR (2007), paid for the Graduation in Theology by Faculdade Teológica Batista do Paraná - FTBP (1993), with emphasis on Exegesis, Hermeneutics and Pastoral. Graduated in Business Administration from the School of Aeronautical Specialists - EEAR (1982), with Specialization in Heritage Management, from the Aeronautical Logistics Institute - ILA (1988). He is a Clinical Psychologist, in the Analytical Approach, since 2000. He was Coordinator and Professor of Postgraduate Studies in Psychoteology and Bioethics, at FEPAR / PR, from 2009-2012, and Postgraduate Studies in Sexual Education, at FEPAR / PR, of 2014 -2015. He was Professor of several disciplines of Psychology, Philosophy and Theology, at FEPAR / PR, from 2005-2015. Philosophy and Theology, at FABAPAR / PR, from 2012-2014; Exegesis, Hermeneutics, Psychology, Sexuality and Religion in Distance Learning Courses in Theology, Philosophy and Science of Religion at UNINTER / PR, since 2014. Has been a volunteer in Health and Education at the First Baptist Church of Curitiba – PIB Curitiba, since 2007. Worked in the creation the Educational Association of Assemblies of God in Curitiba - AEADC and in the implementation and execution of the Theological Faculty of AD in Curitiba - FATADC (1990-2003), current Christian Faculty of Curitiba - FCC; in the creation, implementation and coordination of the Open School Project for the Elderly - FATI (2006-2013), in the Extension of FEPAR / PR; He is Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Human Sexuality: education and therapy, since 2016 at Universidade Positivo Cruzeiro do Sul - UP / PR; Psychology professor at Faculdade Uniandrade, in Curitiba / PR. Researcher Member of the Study Group: Theology, Gender and Education, at PUCPR, under the coordination of Dr. Clélia Peretti. (Source: Accessed on 1/19/2021)


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How to Cite

Andreata, O. de P. (2016). The Malaise of the Self as Challenge to Etichs and Theology. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 5(1), 129–145.


