Heresy: bias against the claim or doctrinal-power?




heresy, witchcraft, counter-power


Historically, the fact of heresy have had a positive role to own awareness or enlightenment of orthodoxy, had already been shown by St. Augustine in the work De Vera religione. He recognized the importance of the heretic to encourage the "search for truth". Heresy does not contain only negative connotations. In the history of the Church, there were heresies that before being qualified or condemned as such, were essential in the path of defining a dogma. This was what happened with the Arian controversy, which saw bishops and theological schools inclined to one side or the other, even after the Council of Nicaea which decided what was the "true religion." In this approach we analyze some existing processes heretics in Luso-Brazilian world in which the inquisitors classified as evil and wicked deeds. In the secret room of the Court of Lisbon, they consulted the canonical books and the regiments of the Inquisition and proved that these heretics had deviated from the "true doctrine" and therefore should pay their guilt. The value of heresy consists, mainly, according Mazzi, the liberation of the domain of the sacred, understood as "abstraction, separation and opposition between the various dimensions of our existence." The sacred becomes "projection of an unresolved anguish, an internal rupture, a lack of autonomy and ultimately a sale of subjectivity itself in the hands of power." New for studying the popular religiosity consists in making

Author Biography

Geraldo Pieroni, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

Graduated in History from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1978), Master in History from the Federal University of Bahia (1991) DEA in History - Université Paris IV - Paris-Sorbonne (1993) and PhD in History - Université de Paris IV - Paris -Sorbonne (1996). Professor-researcher in the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Communication and Language (Master and Doctorate).

Source: Accessed in 18/01/2021


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How to Cite

Pieroni, G. (2012). Heresy: bias against the claim or doctrinal-power?. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 1(1), 66–75.


