Character, goals and progress of the common agricultural policy of the European Union


  • Slavi Petrov Dimitrov



União Europeia, Política agrícola comum, reformas, EU, Common agricultural policy, reforms


Agricultural sector is among the most important, most
debatable and most financed activities in the European Union.
The complicated relations in the Union require coordinated
common policy, known as Common agricultural policy of the
European Union. Such policy enables the most efficient use
of resources and supporting the countries which are about to
join the Union.

Author Biography

Slavi Petrov Dimitrov

Shamo-me Slavi Dimitrov. Desde 1999 sou assistente em Departamento de Geografia Economica e Sosial na Universidade de Veliko Turnovo "Os Santos Irmaos Cirilo e Metodo", Bulgaria. Escrevo a minha tesa de doutoramento: "Regional analise e estrutura na Agricultura em Portugal".


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How to Cite

Dimitrov, S. P. (2006). Character, goals and progress of the common agricultural policy of the European Union. RA’E GA Journal - The Geographic Space in Analysis, 12.


