State of the Tocantins: 20 years of representation between the politician and the religious one


  • Jean Carlos Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Tocantins



Estado do Tocantins, Espaço de Representação, Mitos Políticos Modernos


The text to follow has for purpose to argue the creation of the State of the Tocantins occurred in the National Assembly Constituent in 1988 and installed in 01 of January of 1989. 20 years after its objevtivacion, looks for to launch a look that consists of demonstrating the involved mitologic ritual in this act that was politician, but that it was structuralized for the use of religious elements. Thus, the construction of this politics-administrative unit of the Brazilian federacy was inserted in a representative perspective whose space of representation was elevated with bases of imaginary sustentation in the collective one and in the elaboration of symbolic universes.

Author Biography

Jean Carlos Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Colegiado de Geografia. Atuo em Geografia Humana


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, J. C. (2009). State of the Tocantins: 20 years of representation between the politician and the religious one. RA’E GA Journal - The Geographic Space in Analysis, 18.


