The coercion in the classroom: effects of teachers’ use causing school failure


  • Juliane Viecili
  • José Gonçalves Medeiros



school failure, coercion in the classroom, teacher-student interaction


The present study describes the direct observation conducted in three classes of a public elementary school. The main goal was to study the coercion behavior administered by teachers in their relationships with students who have failed school and who have not The data were collected through the direct behavior observation inside the classroom, having the categories report per time interval. The findings confirm the use of differentiated coercion with students who have failed school. On the other hand, the positive stimuli benefit the students that have not failed school. It was also found that the coercion is used both with academic and non-academic behavior. The differentiated use of coercive and reinforcing contingencies with both groups of students, and its effects on the academic and non-academic behaviors are discussed.

Keywords: school failure: coercion in the classroom; teacher-student interaction.

How to Cite

Viecili, J., & Medeiros, J. G. (2002). The coercion in the classroom: effects of teachers’ use causing school failure. Interação Em Psicologia, 6(2).


