Enuresis in adolescence: behavioral intervention case study


  • Noel José Dias da Costa
  • Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos Silvares




urine alarm device, enuresis, adolescence


This describes a case study report on cognitive-behavioral therapy of two adolescents with nocturnal enuresis. The treatment followed the usual pattern of cognitive- behavioral intervention, using a Brazilian designed urine alarm device as a therapeutic adjunct. Firstly a behavioral assessment was conducted of interviews with the adolescent and with his/her parents, application of inventories and self-monitoring of wet nights in order to define a urine control baseline. Secondly, therapeutic sessions on cognitive behavioral orientation were developed individually and on a weekly basis, for both participants (adolescent and his parents, separately interviewed). The applied questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the study were the CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist, Achenbach, 1991), the Scale of Intolerance (Morgan & Young, 1975), the Blackwell (1989) Form to evaluate enuresis (Blackwell, 1989), and Semi-Structured Interview of Butler (1987). Self monitory of wet nights was followed during treatment. Parent training on resolution of the problem was selected as a model for cognitive-behavioral intervention and several cognitive variables besides the adolescent’s specific difficulties were focused upon. The frequency of wet nights fell from 3 to 4 per week to zero, after eight weeks. The criterion of eight consecutive weeks without wet nights was reached by both adolescents. The results show the usefulness of this methodology as a powerful instrument to help adolescents with this particular problem.

Keywords: urine alarm device; enuresis; adolescence.

How to Cite

da Costa, N. J. D., & Silvares, E. F. de M. (2003). Enuresis in adolescence: behavioral intervention case study. Interação Em Psicologia, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.5380/psi.v7i1.3202


