Non-Correspondent Instructions Following In Children With Different Ages


  • Kátia Daniele Biscouto Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Andréia Schmidt Universidade de São Paulo
  • Dhayana Inthamoussu Veiga Universidade Federal de São Carlos



instructions, rule control, free-operant procedure, experimental history, children


The maintenance of behavior controlled by non-correspondent instructions can be explained by a wide range of variables. The aim of the study was to verify the effect of an experimental history of correspondent instructions presentation on subsequent non-correspondent instructions-following behavior in a free-operant procedure. Twelve children from 3 to 8 years old participated in a game format task (a treasure hunt). First clues presented were correspondent (correspondently indicating where new clues were hidden); without signaling, non-correspondent instructions were presented. All participants kept following instructions (correspondent or not); however, they gradually spent more time searching for clues at places not described by non-correspondent instructions. Variables that possibly affected the maintenance of instruction-following behavior were discussed.

How to Cite

Biscouto, K. D., Schmidt, A., & Veiga, D. I. (2014). Non-Correspondent Instructions Following In Children With Different Ages. Interação Em Psicologia, 18(2).



Research Reports