Clinic, Transmission and Research: A Course of Treatment in Autism
transmission, clinic, autism, object, voiceAbstract
Based on the works of Freud and Lacan, the present article intends to question the place the clinic occupies at the university, as well as the place that research can occupy when combined with clinic and psychoanalysis. The place of transmission in the field of knowledge and education in psychoanalysis are also questioned. From the academic research, the result of an exchange among universities and the clinic, particularly based on the case of an autistic teenager, we intend to critically examine the concepts originated in psychoanalysis, such as transference, language, object, reality. The aim here is also to extend these concepts in order to modalize the psychoanalytic theory and to circumscribe the specific clinic of autism and the possible contributions of psychoanalysis to this clinic. In relation to autism, the purpose of this study is to think about its clinical direction from psychoanalysis and, specifically, from the reported clinical fragments, to follow the novel inventions found in the case of that teenager in order to respond to the absence of the phallic significance and, consequently, the extraction of the object voice.
Keywords: transmission; clinic; autism; object; voice.
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