Learning-set of simple discrimination reversals in a capuchin monkey


  • Romariz da Silva Barros UFPA
  • Carlos Rafael Fernandes Picanço
  • Thiago Dias Costa
  • Carlos Barbosa Alves de Souza




repeated reversals of yoked simple discriminations, learning-set, Cebus cf apella


Repeated acquisition of simple discrimination may determine an increasing efficiency in learning such discriminations. This effect is known as learning-set. The same effect can be observed on repeated reversals of the same discrimination or on repeated yoked reversals of simple discriminations (RYRSD). The present study reports the use of RYRSD with up to six stimuli (three positive and three negative) simultaneously with a capuchin monkey (Cebus cf apella). Over the course of the repeated reversals, the learning-set effect was evaluated taking into account two variables: a) number of correct responses processed until criterion of six consecutive correct responses is reached and b) number of trials until the criterion is reached. The data indicate learning-set in simple discrimination on yoked reversals. We discuss the procedures that contributed the most to this demonstration.

Keywords: repeated reversals of yoked simple discriminations; learning-set; Cebus cf apella.

Author Biography

Romariz da Silva Barros, UFPA

Núcleo de Teoria e Pesquisa do Comportamento, Universidade Federal do Pará. Psicólogo, Mestre em Teoria e Pesquisa do Comportamento, Doutor em Psicologia Experimental, Pós-doutorado na UMASSMED-Shriver Center (EUA).

How to Cite

Barros, R. da S., Picanço, C. R. F., Costa, T. D., & de Souza, C. B. A. (2012). Learning-set of simple discrimination reversals in a capuchin monkey. Interação Em Psicologia, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.5380/psi.v16i1.25197


