Profile of Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in Teens Students of Elementary School From The Great Porto Alegre/RS


  • Alexandre Dido Balbinot
  • Gabriel Soares Ledur Alves
  • Renata Brasil Araujo



adolescentes, drogadição, substâncias psicoativas


This study aimed to evalute the profile of psychoactive substances consumption by students of Porto Alegre/RS. Method: Cross-sectional study with a sample of adolescents of both sexes (n=147). For data collection we used questionnaire prepared for that. Results: The trial of alcohol occurred on average at 11.48 years (SD = 1.82). The substance most commonly used in life were: alcohol by 80% (SD = 54.4) of the sample, tobacco by 14% (SD = 9.5) and cannabis by 3% (SD = 2.0). Associations were observed between the perceptions about problems with alcohol and: problems with tobacco use (p <0.001), problems with marijuana (p = 0.041) and problems with steroids (p = 0.008). Conclusion: The sample showed early alcohol use and association between the perception of problems related to alcohol and have problems with: tobacco, marijuana and anabolic steroids.

Keywords: adolescents; drug addiction; psychoactive substances. 

How to Cite

Balbinot, A. D., Alves, G. S. L., & Araujo, R. B. (2012). Profile of Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in Teens Students of Elementary School From The Great Porto Alegre/RS. Interação Em Psicologia, 16(2).



Research Reports