Stressors in the academic context: A brief review of Brazilian literature


  • Marucia Patta Bardagi UFRGS
  • Claudio Simon Hutz UFRGS



stressor events, university students, coping


Studies about the perception of stressors and coping strategies in the work context point out the stressors’ negative impact on performance and psychological well-being. However, there is little research on this topic during the college period. This study consists in a literature review about stress and coping in the academic context, in order to identify the contribution of these studies for the understanding of academic paths; and develop preventive interventions directed to the students’ perceived problems. Results found a majority of studies in health fields, a variety of events perceived as stressful by students, and the use of strategies specially focused on emotions. These results indicate the importance of further research in the area and of the assessment of specific contexts of study.


Keywords: stressor events; university students; coping.


Author Biographies

Marucia Patta Bardagi, UFRGS

Psicóloga, doutora em psicologia pela UFRGS. Bolsista de pós-doutorado pelo Cnpq, atua nas áreas de desenvolvimento vocacional e de carreira, psicologia organizacional e do trabalho e avaliação psicológica.

Claudio Simon Hutz, UFRGS

psicólogo, doutor em psicologia (Universidade de Iowa) e professor titular do curso de psicologia da UFRGS. Ex-presidente do IBAP.



How to Cite

Bardagi, M. P., & Hutz, C. S. (2011). Stressors in the academic context: A brief review of Brazilian literature. Interação Em Psicologia, 15(1).


