I bet you don’t look good on the dance floor: Re-examining the innovation policy dance metaphor in the case of Colombia





Innovation Policy, Governance, Innovation Heuristics, Interactive Learning, Colombia


Innovation heuristics offer guidance on how to navigate through the complex dynamics of innovation governance. However, further discussion is needed on the premises of such analytical tools to inquire on their implications on innovation policy and practice. This paper builds on the innovation policy dance metaphor to better grasp the ever-changing interplays (or dance) between innovation practice (I), policy (P) and theory (T). We critically assess the basic underlying assumptions of this metaphor, by examining the extent to which its heuristic pretensions are relevant in the Latin American context. To do so, we explore three illustrative cases in Colombia, shedding light on some crosscutting opportunities and gaps for the dancing metaphor across different innovation I-P-T situations. Some derived lessons suggest that dancing occurs within and/or between different governance levels, where variables such as politics shape the innovation I-P-T interplay and time defines first and second order learning pathways.

Author Biographies

Juan Pablo Centeno, Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia; Technopolis Group, United Kingdom

He is a science and innovation policy researcher at the OPERA research group of the Externado University in Colombia and Consultant at Technopolis Group for Latin America and the United Kingdom. His research covers topics such as STI policy change and funding instruments, regional innovation systems and networks, transformative innovation policy, sociotechnical futures in bioeconomy, science diplomacy, among others. He holds a master in Government & Public Policy and a bachelor degree in Government & International Relations from Externado University in Colombia.

Mario A. Pinzón-Camargo, Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Externado de Colombia

Full professor at Externado University in Colombia. His research interests focus on the study of innovation policies and their transformative potential centred on the roles of actors; the analysis of just transitions to sustainability; the processes of democratisation of knowledge through the social appropriation of Science, Technology and Innovation; and the governance of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Global South. He holds a PhD in Knowledge Governance and Innovation from the University of Twente (The Netherlands). Professional in Government and International Relations from the Universidad Externado de Colombia; Master in Economic Law from the same University; and Master in Public Policy from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


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How to Cite

Centeno, J. P., & Pinzón-Camargo, M. A. (2023). I bet you don’t look good on the dance floor: Re-examining the innovation policy dance metaphor in the case of Colombia. NOvation - Critical Studies of Innovation, (5), 9–30. https://doi.org/10.5380/nocsi.v0i5.93601