The daily routine of a home caregiver: challenges of a lonely care delivery professional


  • Roseni Rosângela de Sena
  • Kênia Lara Silva
  • Hosana Ferreira Rates
  • Karine Lara Vivas
  • Carla Mendes Queiroz
  • Fernanda Ourives Barreto



Cuidadores, Assistência domiciliar, Cuidados de Enfermagem, Caregivers, Home care, Nursing care, Atención Domiciliaria de Salud, Atención de Enfermería


The objective of this study is to analyze the work of home caregivers. It is a qualitative study, descriptive-exploratory in nature, with empirical data collected by means of interviews and care activity records from the Caregivers’ Daily Report. The results disclosed that home care is carried out mainly by devoted nurturing women, whose caring action is permeated by difficulties in the basic activities of life maintenance along with the household chores, resulting in a continuous and solitary day routine of a family member. Thus, the caregiver turns to the net of support and solidarity in order to cope with stress and loneliness but this proves to be temporary and unable to meet such care demands. It was concluded that home caregivers’ daily routine is confronted with the most varied challenges and it is the kind of assistance that requires being a discussed issue in the realm of public policies.



How to Cite

de Sena, R. R., Silva, K. L., Rates, H. F., Vivas, K. L., Queiroz, C. M., & Barreto, F. O. (2006). The daily routine of a home caregiver: challenges of a lonely care delivery professional. Cogitare Enfermagem, 11(2).


