



Emotions, Medication errors, Safety management, Nursing care, Patient safety.


The present study aimed to identify the feelings experienced by nursing teams regarding medication errors and the strategies used to prevent them. Exploratory and descriptive study carried out in a hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil,in2014. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the eleven participants. Four categories emerged from thematic analysis: 1) inadequate conceptualization of error, 2) negative feelings associated to the error, 3) Nurses’ responses to medication errors;and 4) strategies for preventing medication errors. Inability to define error was observed; perception of a feeling of fear not related to punishment; the existence of skills/competences, responsibility and communication in response to error, and the use of barriers and strategies recommended for the prevention of errors. The implementation of continuous awareness of safety as a strategy to improve learning, disseminate assertive behaviors of the professionals and promote actions to mitigate the feelings of those involved in medication errors is suggested.

Author Biography

Liliane Bauer Feldman, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP

Escola Paulista de Enfermagem - Departamento de administração EPE-UNIFESP/DASC


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How to Cite

Siqueira, C. L., Ferreira, K. M., de Souza, T. C., & Feldman, L. B. (2016). FEELINGS EXPERIENCED BY NURSING TEAMS AFTER THE OCCURRENCE OF MEDICATION ERRORS. Cogitare Enfermagem, 21(5). https://doi.org/10.5380/ce.v21i5.45411


