Quality of health care, Patient safety, Quality indicator, Nursing, Health evaluation.Abstract
Descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective, observational, quantitative study that was aimed at assessing the quality of care, using indicators related to falls prevention and patient identification at a teaching hospital. The data were collected on 15 random days in August and September 2015 at two services of a hospital in the interior of Paraná-Brazil, using previously validated tools. Descriptive statistical analysis was applied, followed by the calculation of the Positivity Ratio. In total, 1068 observations were made. The quality of care, illustrated by the indicators of patient identification by the bed/wristband and presence of bedrails to prevent fall was classified as low (0%), borderline (76.60%) and appropriate (95.48%), respectively. In conclusion, improvements in patient identification are imminently necessary, which could be made feasible by the rational choice of the identification method and through the empowerment of the nurse for decision making on this indicator.
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