Factors that influence the process of sharing and reusing research data: systematic literature review from the BRAPCI database
Open science, Scientific research data, Search data sharing, Research data reuse.Abstract
Introduction: the discussion around the publication and use of scientific research data has become more frequent with the Open Science movement and new initiatives around the theme have been emerging. Objective: identify the factors that influence researchers in the process of reusing research data to generate new results. Method: This is a descriptive and bibliographic qualitative research. The data collection technique adopted was the systematic literature review through the protocol that established the survey of publications in the BRAPCI database, from 2017 to 2022, in addition to the definition of search terms and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The results show factors that motivate data reuse, as well as factors that discourage data reuse. The main reuse factors are acceleration of science, transparency of science to validate results, integrity and visibility of science, ensuring that data is accessible over time and the chance of funding their research. While for non-reuse, costs related to processes for data communication, low rewards for researchers, loss of opportunity to publish their data with exclusive rights, misuse of data, lack of infrastructure and personnel to guide. Conclusions: It is understood that new initiatives need to be presented that guide and encourage the sharing and reuse of data, such as lectures and workshops that enable the management of research data.
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