The perception of team leadership when using collaborative systems
Collaborative systems, Teams, Leadership, Groupware.Abstract
Introduction: This study explores leader behavior and the engagement of other members in collaborative systems teams as well as the ability of teams to implement beneficial practices for collaboration. Method: The data were obtained through the application of a questionnaire with 27 questions to 13 virtual and face-to-face teams that use collaborative systems in companies of different sizes and activities. Results: The results show that the teams studied know how to implement effective management methods and their members have confidence to collaborate with each other; but, in a few cases, collaborative systems still prove to be a challenge and a barrier to meeting all the needs of an individual in your group. Conclusions: Leadership proved to be effective in the corporate environments studied; despite showing small deviations and contradictions in the expected behavior in each identified group and work style. It is concluded that to have effective leadership in collaborative systems, there must be clear communication and the creation of trust among team members.
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