The role of the librarian in supporting the preparation of literature reviews in the heath field: concepts, steps, tools and training
Review Literature as Topic, Systematic Review, Narrative Review, Scoping Review, Integrative Review, Meta-Analysis Healthcare librarians, Professional training, Database search.Abstract
Introduction: This article aims to present the results of research conducted by librarians in hospitals, specialized libraries and health units. More specifically, it aims to describe the main types of Literature Review, concepts, necessary steps to conduct it, tools and manuals required to ensure the methodological rigor and quality of this process. Method: As a technical procedure, we adopted the bibliographic research, elaborated from already published material consisting of articles, Internet sites and Literature Review manuals, using the DeCS descriptors and keywords. Results: In the results, we described the steps for conducting literature review, the types of Literature Review (Narrative Review, Scoping Review, Integrative Review and Meta-Analysis), the registration of the review protocol, the librarian training and tools that are used in this process. Conclusion: Health Science Librarians need to be prepared to assist the multiprofessional team in the search for healthcare information that answers increasingly complex questions in patient care.
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