Greenwashing in graphic communication advertisement of residential condominiuns in Caruaru-Pernambuco


  • Tamires Maria de Lima Silva Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Campus Acadêmico do Agreste
  • Emilio Augusto Gomes de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Campus Acadêmico do Agreste.



Condominium, Sustainability, Advertisement, . Greenwashing


Introduction: The term greenwashing is used to name a communication mode developed by entrepreneurs to try to mask the truths that permeate their products and services, which may denote a weak environmental commitment. The study aimed the analysis of graphical and textual attributes featured on advertising material related to residential communities in the municipality of Caruaru, Pernambuco which claimed to be “sustainable”. The analysis has focused to understand in what extent greenwashing practices could be identified in this market segment. Method: It was conducted a field survey between January and March 2012 in points of sales of those real estate projects, as well as through the advertising campaigns. Additional information was acquired by informal conversations with brokers and other people responsible for marketing actions; Promotion materials such as web sites, folders, catalogs, outdoors and trade stand were examined as well. Results: All projects examined had some degree of greenwashing in the context established on the document named the "six sins of greenwashing” and the Article 36 of the CONAR concerning the infringement of authenticity advertising in print media. Conclusion: The exponential growth of Caruaru ventures attracted several entrepreneur sectors. However, it urges to rethink a city to be shaped to new perspectives and concepts of life, developing real actions focused on a transparent and sustainable development complying with all the stakeholders.

Author Biographies

Tamires Maria de Lima Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Campus Acadêmico do Agreste

Graduanda em Design - UFPE, Campus II. Bolsista PET 2013 MEC/SESu/DIFES

Emilio Augusto Gomes de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Campus Acadêmico do Agreste.

Bacharel em Desenho Industrial - UFPB, Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente pela UFC, Doutorando em Design - UNESP, Bauru. Professor assistente I - UFPE, Centro Acadêmico do Agreste.


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How to Cite

Silva, T. M. de L., & Oliveira, E. A. G. de. (2013). Greenwashing in graphic communication advertisement of residential condominiuns in Caruaru-Pernambuco. AtoZ: Novas práticas Em informação E Conhecimento, 2(2), 116–125.