Travel consultant: the new touristic market professional


  • Vanessa de Oliveira Menezes Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Irati)
  • Ana Paula Santos Staxhyn Jornal Folha de Irati.



Travel Agency, Travel Consultancy, Travel Consultant


The travel agencies are changing their ways of business and how they commercialize their products; that is due to the changes that the globalization and the technology evolution had brought to travel market. One of those ways is the travel consultancy, modality that offers specialized knowledge and reliable information. Seeking to provide a good contribution on the subject, the main goal of this article is make a theoretical quarrel concerning travel consultancy, emphasizing the consultant. The methodology used in this study was the bibliographical research, being used books, articles, specific journals of travel agency and related papers. The results had shown that the travel consultant is an evolution of the travel agent. So that, this professional must have different skills and competencies from those expected by the agents and then this modality needs to be more argued and spread by the managers of enterprises related to the travel market.

Author Biographies

Vanessa de Oliveira Menezes, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Irati)

Graduação em Turismo pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus Foz do Iguaçu. Especialização em Administração de Pessoas pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Mestrado em Administração de Empresas Turísticas pela Universidade de Extremadura - UEX (Espanha), revalidado pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) e doutoranda em Administração pela Universidade Positivo. Professora do curso de Turismo na Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (UNICENTRO), Campus Irati, Paraná.

Ana Paula Santos Staxhyn, Jornal Folha de Irati.

Graduação em Turismo pela Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (UNICENTRO). Atuação profissional: Jornal Folha de Irati em Irati, Paraná.



How to Cite

Menezes, V. de O., & Staxhyn, A. P. S. (2011). Travel consultant: the new touristic market professional. Turismo E Sociedade, 4(2).


