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Bibliometria, Currículo, Estudantes, Espiritualidade, Universidades.Resumen
Estudos sobre espiritualidade no âmbito acadêmico tem despertado cada vez mais atenção por parte dos pesquisadores. Frente à pertinência da temática nestes ambientes, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar o panorama de pesquisas sobre espiritualidade particularmente no ensino superior. Para atingir o objetivo proposto utilizou-se de uma bibliometria a partir das etapas propostas por Donthu et al. (2021). A busca e a extração dos estudos foram realizadas nas bases Web of Science (WoS) e na Scopus, que após verificação de aderência ao tema proposto resultou na seleção de 319 estudos. Para a organização e análise dos dados foram utilizados o Software Excel®, Software R (pacote Bibliometrix), e o Software VOSviewer 1.16.18. Como principais resultados apresenta-se a evolução temporal das publicações, países que mais publicaram, autores mais citados, autores mais produtivos ao longo do tempo, co-citação de autores, periódicos mais relevantes/produtivos, afiliações mais relevantes/produtivas, nuvem de palavras, co-ocorrência de palavras, evolução das temáticas (1988-2022), e direcionamentos para pesquisas futuras.
ABDUL RAZAK, D.; MOTEN, A.R. Humanising Higher Education: University of the Future. The Sustainable University of the Future: Reimagining Higher Education and Research, p. 119-131, 2023.
ABDULLAH, M. A. Islamic Religious Education Based on Religious Intersubjectivity: Philosophical Perspectives and Phenomenology of Religion. Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, v. 19, n. 1, p. 141-164, 2022.
ABU BAKAR, B.; PRICE, A.; LEE, D.; WILSON, E. Spirituality and pedagogy in tourism higher education: Voices of tourism educators. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, v. 35, n. 1, p. 15-29, 2023.
ALOMAR, A.; MYDIN, A.; ALAKLABI, S. A Review of Authentic Leadership and Workplace Spirituality y Campus Sustainability in Educational Institutions. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, y Applied Sciences y Technologies, v. 13, n. 2, p. 1-13, 2022.
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BOWMAN, N. A.; SMALL, J. L. Do college students who identify with a privileged religion experience greater spiritual development? Exploring individual and institutional dynamics. Research in Higher Education, v. 51, n. 7, p. 595-614, 2010.
BRYANT, A.N. The impact of campus context, college encounters, and religious/spiritual struggle on ecumenical worldview development. Research in Higher Education, v. 52, n. 5, p. 441-459, 2011.
BRYANT, A. N.; ASTIN, H. S. The correlates of spiritual struggle during the college years. The Journal of Higher Education, v. 79, n. 1, p. 1-27, 2008.
BODHI, R.; SINGH, T.; JOSHI, Y.; SANGROYA, D. Impact of psychological factors, university environment and sustainable behavior on teachers' intention to incorporate inclusive education in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, v.36, n.4, p. 381-396, 2022.
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DONTHU, N.; KUMAR, S.; MUKHERJEE, D.; PANDEY, N.; LIM, W. M. How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, v. 133, p. 285-296, 2021.
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FELDMAN, A.; BARAK, D. Religious and Spiritual Trends among Female Students of Different Ethnic Origins and Fields of Study at a Secular Academic College in Israel. Religions, v. 12, n. 6, p. 453, 2021.
FERNANDES-OSTERHOLD, G. Diversity and Inclusion in Integral Education: A Teaching Perspective of Integral Psychology. Journal of Transformative Education, 2021.
FLEENOR, D. W.; ATKINSON, H. G.; KARANI, R.; LERNER, S.; LEISMAN, S.; MARIN, D. An Innovative Approach for Integrating Mandatory, Longitudinal Spirituality Training into the Medical School Curriculum. Academic Medicine, v. 97, n. 2, p. 215-221, 2022.
FRY, L. W. Toward a theory of spiritual leadership. The leadership quarterly, v. 14, n. 6, p. 693-727, 2003.
FUERTES, A.; DUGAN, K. Spirituality through the Lens of Students in Higher Education. Religions, v.12, 2021.
GILBERTSON, M. K.; BRADY, S. T.; ABLOR.; LOGEL, C.; SCHNITKER, S. A. Closeness to God, Spiritual Struggles, and Wellbeing in the First Year of College. Frontiers in psychology, v. 13, 2022.
HASSAN, S.; ANSARI, N.; REHMAN, A.; MOAZZAM, A. Understanding public service motivation, workplace spirituality and employee well-being in the public sector. International Journal of Ethics and Systems, v. 38, n. 1, p. 147-172, 2022.
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LINNENLUECKE, M. K.; MARRONE, M.; SINGH, A. K. Conducting systematic literature reviews and bibliometric analyses. Australian Journal of Management, 2019.
LINDHOLM, J.A.; ASTIN, H. S. Spirituality and pedagogy: Faculty's spirituality and use of student-centered approaches to undergraduate teaching. The Review of Higher Education, v. 31, n. 2, p. 185-207, 2008.
MAYHEW, M.J.; BRYANT, A.N. Achievement or arrest? The influence of the collegiate religious and spiritual climate on students’ worldview commitment. Research in Higher Education, v. 54, n. 1, p. 63-84, 2013.
MAYHEW, M. J.; ROCKENBACH, A. N.; DAHL, L. S. Owning faith: First-year college-going and the development of students’ self-authored worldview commitments. The Journal of Higher Education, v. 91, n. 6, p. 977-1002, 2020.
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MATIAS, E. A. N.; MATIAS, A. N.; PEREIRA, A. L. A espiritualidade do professor no processo pedagógico da educação superior. Interação, v. 21, n. 2, p. 117-139, 2021.
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NIMMI, P.M.; BINOY, A.K.; JOSEPH, G.; SUMA, R. Significance of developing spirituality among management students: discerning the impact on psychological resources and wellbeing. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, v. 14, n. 1, p. 317-331, 2022.
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PENTHIN, M. et al. Does Teachers’ Spirituality Make a Difference? The Explanatory Value of Spirituality and Religiosity for Teachers’ Professional Beliefs on Teaching and Learning. Religion & Education, p. 1-32, 2023.
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