Work for God: perceptions of pleasure and suffering of religious leaders




Psychodynamics of work, pleasure, suffering, religious leaders.


This study aimed to analyze and describe the experiences of pleasure and suffering of nuns who hold leadership positions in a Catholic Congregation located in the state of Minas Gerais. Methodologically, a qualitative descriptive research was conducted through case study, using interviews as a data collection strategy. Nine religious leaders working in the institution surveyed were interviewed. For data analysis we used the technique of content analysis, establishing a priori the categories of analysis: work context, human cost of work, experiences of pleasure, experiences of suffering, work-related damage and regulatory strategies to deal with. the suffering. It was concluded that for the researched group, the experiences of pleasure are directly related to the religiosity that is the guiding function of the institution to promote social support to the community, while the suffering comes from activities, responsibilities and institutional administrative requirements. The regulatory strategies used by the nuns to deal with suffering include religious practices, peer support, music, cinema, social entertainment and physical activities, all of which contribute to minimizing individual emotional conflicts.

Author Biographies

Luciano Pereira Zille, Uniihorizontes University Center

Full Professor of the Academic Master's Degree at Centro Universitário Unihorizontes, holds a degree in Psychology, Master's and Doctorate in Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1990, 2005), with a concentration in the areas of People Management and Organizational Behavior (Mental Health and Work). Professor in the Undergraduate, Specialization, Master and PhD courses in Administration at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1996-2012); Professor in the Department of Administrative Sciences at the Federal University of Viçosa, MG (1992-1996); Collaborating professor in postgraduate courses in Occupational Medicine and Ergonomics at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais (FCMMG). Several scientific articles, book chapters published nationally and internationally; Researcher in the areas of mental health and work; occupational stress; burnout, quality of life at work, moral harassment, organizational commitment, organizational behavior, personnel management and development and themes related to organizational psychology. Member of NURTEG - Center for Studies in Labor Relations and People Management (UNIHORIZONTES), registered with CNPq; Member of the Scientific Council of the International Stress Management Association - ISMA / Brazil; Researcher and Coordinator of the Research Project "Mental Health at Work: study with professionals working in organizations from different sectors in the state of Minas Gerais"; Researcher member of the project: "Individuals at work, innovation and organizations: multiple behavioral research perspectives"; Consultant and speaker on topics related to research areas. (Source: Accessed on 01/24/2021)

Christienne Lopes Silva, Uniihorizontes University Center

Master in Business Administration at Centro Universitário UNIHORIZONTES (FAPEMIG Scholarship - Minas Gerais Research Support Foundation). Researcher at the Minas Gerais Research Support Foundation (FAPEMIG) at the Research Center for Strategy and Competitiveness - NUPEC, developing research, mainly, on topics related to Marketing. Graduated in Business Administration from Centro Universitário UNA. He has a Lato Sensu Post-Graduation in Risk Management and Compliance from Faculdade Pitágoras - UNOPAR. She has experience in teaching in the administrative area, banking fraud and marketing. She received a Scientific Initiation scholarship from the Minas Gerais Research Support Foundation (FAPEMIG) working at the Research Center for Strategy and Competitiveness - NUPEC, coordinated by Profa. Dra. Caissa Veloso e Sousa. (Source: Accessed on 01/24/2021)

Jaqueline dos Santos Teles, Uniihorizontes University Center

Master's student in Administration at Centro Universitário Unihorizontes. Specialist in People Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG). Graduation in Economics from the University Center of Sete Lagoas. Accounting Expert Finishing specialization in Financial Controlling by PUC-MG. (Source: Accessed on 1/25/2021)


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How to Cite

Zille, L. P., Silva, C. L., & Teles, J. dos S. (2020). Work for God: perceptions of pleasure and suffering of religious leaders. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 8(2), 173–194.


