The Brazilian Episcopate Collective Pastoral – 1915: the construction of a church 100 years ago


  • Euclides Marchi Federal University of Paraná



Roman Catholic Church, episcopate, discourse analysis, Brazilian Catholicism.


On the seventeenth of January 1915, the episcopate of Ecclesiastical Provinces of the South reported the Episcopal Conferences results to the clergy members and the faithful ones. Being held in Nova Friburgo, the conferences were initiated on the twelfth and were concluded on the seventeenth of January 1915. Aside from the conferences particular activities, the complete document contained the Collective Pastoral and the Diocesan Constitutions of the Ecclesiastical Provinces of the South. The analysis of this documentation reveals the effort to construct the Roman Catholic Church in Brazil, after its detachment from the state. The Diocesan Constitutions clearly represent the beginning of a more autonomous and free course. The episcopal speech seen in these documents also declares that, after several conferences, ecclesiastical authorities established their support on the europeanization and the reformulation of the customs of the clergy, the faithful ones, the rituals and the catholic practices. Regulated in the Constitutions at present, these practices should be adopted by all church units, i.e. dioceses, parishes, seminaries, orders, religious congregations and lay associations. Furthermore, bishops reaffirmed supreme authority in their own dioceses, whose regulations every individual should obey, no exception to the orders and religious congregations. Finally, by analysing this documentation, it is possible to conclude that the alliance between the Roman Catholic Church and the Brazilian State was, other than perverse, counterproductive to both. Causing damages for an extended period of time, the church and the state suffered to eliminate the remnants of the difficult situation. In fact, if they were able to completely suppress the past is still debatable.

Author Biography

Euclides Marchi, Federal University of Paraná

Euclides Marchi Has a bachelor's degree (bachelor's degree and degree) in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1971) and a bachelor's degree (degree) in Vernacular Letters from the Faculty of Philosophy Sciences and Letters Nossa Senhora Medianeira (1974) in São Paulo, a master's degree in History from Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1979) and doctorate in Social History from the University of São Paulo (1989). He is a retired professor at the Federal University of Paraná and works as a collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Courses in History at UFPR, linked to the line of Research Intersubjectivity and Plurality: Reflection and feelings in History. He was a researcher at CNPq. He is a founding member of the Paraná Research Nucleus in Religion - Nupper. It operates in the line of Research on Religion and Religious Institutions. As a researcher he works with religion, religiosities and religious institutions. At PUC / SP he held the positions of Community Vice-Rector, Vice-Director of the Center for Human Sciences and Head of the History Department. At the Federal University of Paraná he was Pro-Dean of Graduation, General Coordinator of Undergraduate Courses and Coordinator of the History Course. He was Head of the History Department at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Moema (SP). He was director of the Center for Applied Human and Social Sciences at Centro Universitário Positivo (now Universidade Positivo). He was Director of the Paranaense Museum, a unit of the State Department of Culture of Paraná. (Source: Accessed on 1/19/2021)


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How to Cite

Marchi, E. (2016). The Brazilian Episcopate Collective Pastoral – 1915: the construction of a church 100 years ago. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 5(1), 164–180.


