Methodological and epistemological frameworks in the paths of feminist theology and gender justice


  • Elaine Neuenfeldt School of Theology



Feminist Theology, gender justice, feminist methodology


This text presents a reflection on some methodological and epistemological assumptions of the feminist theology in dialogue with gender justice; following some suspicions in the field of biblical interpretation. To enter in hermeneutic reflections, my proposal is first to trace a path that develops the feminist theological reflection in the public and political arena. In this public way, some epistemological markers are placed in interaction with human rights, with the movement of empowering women and building gender justice policies.

Author Biography

Elaine Neuenfeldt, School of Theology

Graduated in Theology at the Escola Superior de Teologia (1991), with experience of Exchange of Studies at the Intereclesial Center for Studying Theological and Social Studies in Nicaragua (1989), Master's (2001) and Doctorate (2004) in Theology by the Ecumenical Institute of Graduate Studies , from Faculdades EST, São Leopoldo. She is an ordained pastor of the Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession, advisor to CEBI - Center for Biblical Studies. She was a professor in the Chair of Feminist Theology at the Ecumenical Institute for Postgraduate Studies in Theology, at Faculdades EST. She has experience in the area of Theology and Bible, with an emphasis on Gender Studies, acting mainly on the themes: gender, feminisms, biblical studies, popular reading of the bible and feminist hermeneutics.

Source: Access in 25/01/2021



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How to Cite

Neuenfeldt, E. (2013). Methodological and epistemological frameworks in the paths of feminist theology and gender justice. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 2(2), 48–59.



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