Space-time evolution of dengue fever and temperature-rainfall variation in the State of Paraná: a geographical approach
Expansão da dengue, temperatura do ar, pluviosidade, estado do Paraná, Expansion of dengue fever, air temperature, rainfall, State of ParanáAbstract
In this work, developed in the scope of Health Geography, the manifestation of dengue fever in the State of Paraná is analyzed focusing on the relationship of its incidence to vector infestation in buildings and to regional climatic conditions. Aspects concerning the illness incidence and its relation to temperature and rainfall were analyzed from a space-time perspective of occurrence. The temporal cut analysis of this research comprises the year in which the first native case of dengue was confirmed in Paraná (1993) up to 2003. Among the suggestions for monitoring and controlling dengue in Paraná, the usage of climatic forecasts as well as the development of a geographical information system integrating data from Sinan, Sisfad and socio-environmental information were mentioned.
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