Cloud water interception (CWI) occurs when water contained in fog and wind-driven rain collides with vegetation, merges into larger droplets, and precipitates to the ground. CWI has an important function as an additional source of water and its relationships with tropical cloud forests have often been emphasized. Despite its importance, there is no standardization of measurement methods, nor of the terms that designate the process in Portuguese. Therefore, a systematic analysis of research on CWI is necessary. To this end, the present study carried out a review of the theoretical and methodological aspects of CWI through description and analysis of terminology; history and chronology of studies on the topic; survey of the environmental conditions necessary for the CWI process to occur; analysis of methodological aspects relating to the measurement of CWI; and synthesis and discussion of magnitudes described in scientific literature. As a result, of the 31 publications reviewed, 14 different words were found, the most common being “Cloud Water Interception” (19.4%) and “Fog Drip” (16.1%). In general, CWI is more common in places such as continental edges and islands that are constantly subject to sea breezes. In most cases, the below-canopy measurement approach can be considered more accurate than those obtained by fog collectors. CWI is on average responsible for 42% of effective precipitation (n:41). The values listed show a large variation, between 0.5% and 462%, probably due to the different environmental characteristics of the sampled locations as well as variations in sample sizes.
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