The Semi Liberty Measure Application to Adolescents in the Context of Brazil and Portugal


  • Daniele Dalla Porta Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Amanda Schöffel Sehn Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS
  • Aline Cardoso Siqueira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM



young offenders, socio-educational measures, semi-liberty, institution


The delinquent behavior in childhood and adolescence and the socio-educational measure application represent a relevant dimension of study. This article aimed to know the characteristics of two institutions that attend adolescents with law conflict. This is a qualitative and exploratory research, in which semi-structured interviews was performed with 44 adolescents, who fulfill socioeducative measure in a semi-open regime of Portugal and Brazil. As a result it was found that the surveyed institutions differ in their internal operating models and rules, as well as the opportunities that are offered to adolescents. These aspects show the cultural, socio-economic and legal differences between these countries. However, both allow the occurrence of proximal processes leading to the development of adolescents.



How to Cite

Dalla Porta, D., Sehn, A. S., & Siqueira, A. C. (2016). The Semi Liberty Measure Application to Adolescents in the Context of Brazil and Portugal. Interação Em Psicologia, 19(2).



Research Reports