The distribution of real state income in Brazil: 1995-2004


  • Paulo Tafner IPEA
  • Márcia de Carvalho UCAM



desigualdade, distribuição de renda e propriedade, padrão de vida, estimação de preços hedônicos, inequality, distribution of income and ownership, living standards, hedonic price estimation


From the PNAD´s data covering 1995 and 2004 this paper estimates
the value of house rents. Using the estimated coefficients of the physical attributes
and of the location of the rented houses, we impute an “estimated rent value” for
owned houses. In following, admitted constant the relation between rents and
value of stock, we estimate the real value of house stock for those years. Based
on PNAD´s data on received rents. We also distribute to each family the corresponding value of stock in properties. Excluding the families that do not
have any property and are able to pay rent corresponding to properties which
price is higher than the average price of rented houses, the Index of Gini is
calculated for both years. The paper concludes that there was an expressive
improvement in the shape of distribution of wealth ownership in this period,
since the Gini coefficient had changed from 0,69 to 0,61 between 1995 and 2004.



How to Cite

Tafner, P., & Carvalho, M. de. (2007). The distribution of real state income in Brazil: 1995-2004. Revista De Economia, 33(2).


