Resultado Projeto Resenhas 2021/2


Bundio, J. S. (2020). La identidad se forja en el tablón: masculinidad, etnicidad y discriminación en loscantos de las hinchadas argentinas. Buenos Aires: Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani/CLACSO.                 

Ana Paula Comin de Carvalho


Déléage, P. (2020). Arctic Madness - The Anthropology of a Delusion. Chicago: HAU Books. 143 p.                                                    

Yazmin Bheringcer dos Reis e Safatle


Gribaldo. A. (2021). Unexpected Subjects. Intimate Partner Violence, Testimony, and the Law. Chicago: HAU Books. 158 p.                                                           

Matilde Quiroga Castellano


Henley, P. (2020). Beyond observation. A history of authorship in ethnographic film. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 568 p.                                        

Luisa Godoy Pitanga


Kipnis, A. (2021). The Funeral of Mr. Wang: Life, Death, and Ghosts in Urbanizing China. California: University of California Press. 174 p. DOI:                                                                                                                     

Lucía Copelotti Guedes


Lewis, G. (2020). Pandora’s Box. Ethnography and the Comparison of Medical Beliefs. Chicago: HAU Books. 322 p.       

Gilliard de Oliveira Justino


Medaets, C. (2020). “Tu garante?”: aprendizagem às margens do Tapajós. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS. 264 p.                                                                                                                     

Marília Caetano Rodrigues Morais


Teixeira, C. C., & Castilho, S. (2020). IPEA – Etnografia de uma instituição: entre pessoas e documentos. Rio de Janeiro: ABA Publicações; AFIPEA. 450 p.                                        

Natália Almeida Bezerra


Wardlow, H. (2020). Fencing in AIDS: Gender, Vulnerability, and Care in Papua New Guinea. Oakland: University of California Press. 201 p.        

Wertton Luís de Pontes Matias