Archival identification applied to the filing plan of the Espírito Santo State court of accounts: reflections on knowledge management and records management
Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Management, Records Management, Filing Plan, Archival ScienceAbstract
Introduction: Introduction: knowledge management manages intellectual capital to transform it into a strategic advantage in institutions. Document management aims to implement several actions such as the establishment of a classification plan and temporality table to improve, control, and monitor the document life cycle. Thus, the research question was: how can knowledge management contribute to developing a classification plan in the parameters of archival identification? The objective was to investigate and analyze, under the precepts of knowledge management, the informational elements, as well as the tacit and explicit knowledge, within the scope of the Audit Office of the State of Espírito Santo (TCEES), for the improvement of the current classification plan. focused on providing access to information and administrative transparency. Method: qualitative approach of an essential and exploratory nature, using the method of archival identification that is characterized by the two objects of study: producing agency and documental type. In addition, observations on the kinds of knowledge conversions in the context of knowledge management were used. Results: analytical observations on the TCEES classification plan and temporality table with the mapping of the actions carried out in this critical analysis with the four elements of knowledge conversion. Conclusion: knowledge management plays an important role in document management, as it is concerned with the socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization of organizational knowledge and its individuals, aiming at greater fluidity in the organization processes of documents that are produced and accumulated in the institution. Above all, externalization, which converts tacit knowledge into explicit, contributes to the stability of actions to maintain the quality and continuity of organizational procedures over time.
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