A critical-dialectical epistemological perspective of Scientific Knowledge Management: contributions from Bourdeusian praxeology
Scientific Knowledge Management, Critical-dialectical epistemology, Bourdieu's PraxeologyAbstract
Introduction: Epistemological, theoretical and methodological positions have direct implications on how research objects are constructed. Based on the mapping of central epistemological axes, the critical-dialectic was chosen to discuss Scientific Knowledge Management (SKM), more specifically, based on the epistemological and theoretical-methodological contributions of Bourdieu's praxeological thought, including his propositions about the scientific field as an expression of the chosen axis. Method: The theoretical discussion and literary review of Bourdieu's works and conceptual aspects of SKM were adopted, taking it as an interdisciplinary area whose phenomena can be read by the dynamics of the scientific field and which is focused on processes of production and dissemination of scientific knowledge that are effected by the meeting of Knowledge Management (KM) and Scientific Communication (SC). Results: From the discussion on epistemological principles of the critical-dialectical axis for the understanding of scientific practice, emphasizing Bourdieu's conceptions about the scientific field, the results pointed to contributions to rethink the definition of SKM and offer theoretical-methodological subsidies for the development of research in the scope of the SKM. Conclusion: Discussion allowed establishing investigative resources for research on SKM, among which the formulation of guiding questions for the construction of instruments for collecting and analyzing data on the functioning of SKM as a field, identifying, for example, actions of agents to obtain scientific and temporal capitals, as well as to transform the field itself, as well as items such as the acquisition of scientific knowledge, its storage and forms of creation and sharing.
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