Open data from the Federal Institutes of Education: analysis of themes suggested by the Office of the Comptroller General
Access to public information, Open government data. Transparency, Federal Institutes of Education.Abstract
Introduction: Opening government databases can positively contribute to democracy, transparency and social control, as it provides opportunities for citizens to access, reuse, modify and redistribute non-confidential information from public bodies. However, not all data of interest to society are currently published in open formats. This study verifies whether the data referring to the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology, which are commonly requested from the Office of the Comptroller General by civil society, are being cataloged in the Brazilian Open Data Portal. Method: Quantitative research was conducted on the Brazilian Open Data Portal with the support of the documentary research technique, which allowed us to analyze the datasets published by the Federal Institutes. An index was created to analyze each of the 14 collected themes, which originated a quantitative indicator used to compare the results of each Federal Institute involved in the research. Results: It was identified that 73.70% of the Federal Institutes cataloged at least one dataset on the Brazilian Open Data Portal. However, there were strikingly several gaps in the availability of open data by these institutions, in addition to the low adherence to opening data in accordance with the recommendations of the Office of the Comptroller General. Conclusions: Studies such as the one carried out in this paper contribute to the Public Administration, especially considering the context of Federal Institutes, to have subsidies that indicate points for improvement with regard to society's demands on transparency and governance.
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