Knowledge ecosystems on Industry 4.0 in Brazil: a bibliometric analysis
Industry 4.0, Bibliometric analysis, Knowledge Ecosystems.Abstract
Introduction: The production of knowledge in science is materialized in the collaborative interaction between researchers who investigate common themes, forming knowledge ecosystems through their productions, in this sense, the article aims to map the main actors (researchers, universities and funding agencies) that constitute the ecosystem and the knowledge that permeates it, especially those centered on industry 4.0 in the Brazilian context. Method: It is a quantitative, descriptive research, using bibliometric techniques through an analysis of published works on Industry 4.0 in the Web of Science database in the last five years, refining the search by country and selecting Brazil. In all, 369 documents produced in the country were analyzed using the metric software VOSviewer to build collaboration networks. Results: The authors Eduardo de Freitas Rocha Loures and Fernando Deschamps stand out as the main producers of knowledge in the ecosystem, as well as CAPES and CNPQ as guiding actors in the financing of research on Industry 4.0, which were developed in the University space. of São Paulo and the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Conclusion: The knowledge ecosystems in Industry 4.0 are formed by universities and public development agencies, which use resources to develop in the country artificial intelligence technologies, internet of things, cyberphysical systems, among other guiding knowledge.
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