Requirements elicitation techniques for software development: a systematic review of literature
Requirements elicitation, Information systems, Team participation.Abstract
Introduction: Requirements elicitation (RE) is a difficult task in which there are issues related to information ambiguity, incomplete and inconsistent data. It seeks to discover and understand the users' problems and needs. The success of software development depends on the correct elicitation of requirements, and its quality is influenced by the techniques used. This research aims to identify the RE techniques most cited in the literature of software development projects within this context. Method: a systematic literature review was carried out, which analyzed 61 articles from the Scopus database. Results: We identified the 10 RE techniques most cited in the literature. The ranking of these techniques showed that those obtained by stakeholders' groups' involvement were the least mentioned. Conclusions: the research identified the opportunity and relevance for developing a descriptive or confirmatory analysis of RE techniques based on the interaction between groups of users and members of the software development team.
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