Informational engagement in online social networks: how to calculate?
Informational engagement, Social networks, Informational Behavior.Abstract
Introduction: This study juts the insertion of online social networks in the current informational scenario of society, emphasizing the importance of analyzing the informational engagement of individuals in these social media as a way of understanding the informational behavior of the population through the access and use of the information made available. by these communicational means. Method: It presents the proposed formulas for calculating informational engagement in online social networks by adjusting the quantification of existing interaction tools on social media such as like, share and comment. Thus, the suggested formulas assign weights based on the sample under analysis and which represent the level of relative engagement of a publication on online social networks. Results: It proves that the formulas presented are amenable to application on the online social networks Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter for presenting a dynamic of weights for each type of interaction, thus reflecting the relative engagement made by people in a publication for each context analyzed. Conclusion: It contributes to the development of research aimed at analyzing online social networks and enables a better understanding of the factors that involve the individual's informational behavior through the use of social media.
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