Online surveys: comparative tool analysis for the creation and administration of e-surveys




Online surveys, Comparative analysis, Data collection tools.


Introduction: The availability of a wide range of tools for collecting data through online surveys (e-surveys) offers new opportunities for users to choose them. However, it also makes the choice process more difficult. It becomes relevant to map the best existing tools and analyze them through the lens of uniform objective criteria. Method: It carries out an exploratory search, based on secondary data, to map the existing e-survey tools. It creates an analysis grid and applies to 15 tools selected from the initial mapping. After, it applies a grid of comparative evaluation and scoring to 10 tools chosen from the 15 analyzed . Results: It provides a systematic and updated survey of the existing e-survey tools and it presents a scored evaluation of its main features. It summarizes the main characteristics and functionalities of the three best-rated tools (SurveyMonkey, SurveyGizmo and SoGoSurvey), providing potential users with relevant data to make an informed choice. Conclusions: It highlights the need for a methodical evaluation of e-survey tools since there are several tools with very similar characteristics. It also highlights the need to consider the user's requirements and the objectives of the questionnaire during this assessment. This paper will have a high potential for practical use by researchers, students or professionals in the private sector who need to work with e-surveys.


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How to Cite

Neves, C., Augusto, C., & Terra, A. L. (2020). Online surveys: comparative tool analysis for the creation and administration of e-surveys. AtoZ: Novas práticas Em informação E Conhecimento, 9(2), 69–78.