EPIDOR: computational environment based on web system and app for chronic pain in the current Coronavirus pandemic context
Chronic Pain, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Digital Transformation, Electronic Information SystemAbstract
Introduction: It investigates the problems related to the informational context in the pandemic scenario, specifically those related to patients with chronic pain, which represent one of the groups vulnerable to COVID-19. This article presents a computational approach based on a web system and mobile application solution for chronic pain, called EPIDOR, capable of contributing to the process of digital transformation in the area. Method: The EPIDOR was developed based on the survey of requirements on chronic pain in the literature of the area, and with medical specialists, who also validated the requirements of the developed system. It is applied, exploratory and bibliographic research. It conducts a case study in a public hospital and a clinic specializing in pain medicine with a sample of patients with chronic pain, who will have recorded their daily pain intensity over a period, its correlation with activities and medication schedule. Results: The EPIDOR system is part of ongoing research and is being implemented in a public hospital and a clinic specialized in pain medicine. It provides support for epidemiological studies of pain in Brazil. These still lack more reliable and robust data on the incidence and prevalence of pain at the national and regional levels, especially in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: It concludes that the EPIDOR system can contribute to the digital transformation process in the area of chronic pain. The proposed approach can provide an improvement in the quality of life of this group of patients. We emphasize that this group corresponds to more than 30% of the Brazilian population.
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